Statistics for, Week of 2019-11-18 to 2019-11-24


Top 10 of 77 Browsers (User Agents), Sorted by Access Count

Rank Product Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 Safari/537.36 396 23.87 28,796,791 39.47 81 34.15
2 ZoominfoBot 188 11.33 822,096 1.13 11 4.88
3 Mozilla/5.0 124 7.47 3,465,448 4.75 17 7.49
4 Safari/9537.53 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; 117 7.05 6,546,567 8.97 39 16.51
5 MSIE 6.0 84 5.06 364,644 0.50 0 0.00
6 Safari/537.36 AliApp(DingTalk/4.5.11) 76 4.58 1,675,151 2.30 25 10.71
7 bingbot/2.0 60 3.62 5,065,962 6.94 8 3.47
8 52 3.13 223,971 0.31 0 0.00
9 MSIE 10.0 49 2.95 211,764 0.29 0 0.00
10 Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 40 2.41 173,640 0.24 0 0.00