Statistics for, Month of 2018-6-1 to 2018-6-30


Top 10 of 150 Browsers (User Agents), Sorted by Access Count

Rank Product Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 Safari/537.36 1,134 20.10 50,594,599 22.83 232 29.04
2 Mozilla/5.0 1,119 19.83 39,423,675 17.79 111 13.91
3 bingbot/2.0 460 8.15 43,157,780 19.47 74 9.34
4 Safari/9537.53 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; 336 5.96 31,779,291 14.34 88 11.10
5 Safari/604.1 291 5.16 6,715,729 3.03 35 4.37
6 Googlebot/2.1 189 3.35 305,048 0.14 3 0.46
7 MauiBot 180 3.19 321,894 0.15 12 1.58
8 Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; 170 3.01 236,330 0.11 36 4.62
9 Safari/537.36 (Goava Sales Intelligence AB) 112 1.99 33,953 0.02 44 5.53
10 MSIE 9.0 110 1.95 194,860 0.09 15 1.96