Statistics for, Month of 2018-8-1 to 2018-8-31


Top 7 of 7 File Types (Extensions), Sorted by Access Count

Individual file types as determined by file extensions. All URLs that do not contain an extension are counted as directories.

Rank Type Accesses % Bytes %
1 Directory (folder) 1,680 32.70 4,580,106 2.02
2 htm 1,662 32.35 3,770,927 1.66
3 jpg 970 18.88 114,257,822 50.31
4 css 746 14.52 279,776 0.12
5 pdf 47 0.91 103,612,162 45.62
6 png 24 0.47 596,620 0.26
7 gif 9 0.18 8,523 0.00