Statistics for, Week of 2019-6-3 to 2019-6-9


Top 10 of 55 Browsers (User Agents), Sorted by Access Count

Rank Product Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 ZoominfoBot 272 20.86 483,251 0.85 23 13.88
2 Safari/537.36 207 15.87 20,599,609 36.28 36 21.42
3 Safari/537.36 (Goava Sales Intelligence AB) 154 11.81 0 0.00 24 14.11
4 bingbot/2.0 94 7.21 7,614,244 13.41 8 4.79
5 Mozilla/5.0 77 5.90 2,159,323 3.80 11 6.58
6 Safari/604.1 71 5.44 2,403,032 4.23 22 13.15
7 DuckDuckBot-Https/1.1 59 4.52 1,407,552 2.48 1 1.11
8 Safari/9537.53 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; 54 4.14 7,449,152 13.12 9 5.59
9 Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; 28 2.15 21,436 0.04 3 1.99
10 SeznamBot/3.2 24 1.84 886,373 1.56 1 1.11