Statistics for, Week of 2019-7-15 to 2019-7-21


Top 10 of 62 Browsers (User Agents), Sorted by Access Count

Rank Product Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 Safari/537.36 238 17.32 10,690,106 20.22 49 26.44
2 ZoominfoBot 225 16.38 383,373 0.73 22 12.10
3 Mozilla/5.0 110 8.01 3,309,922 6.26 20 10.96
4 Safari/9537.53 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; 99 7.21 12,858,422 24.32 22 12.21
5 bingbot/2.0 95 6.91 4,314,337 8.16 14 7.91
6 Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; 61 4.44 3,174,546 6.00 11 6.21
7 MSIE 6.0 57 4.15 247,437 0.47 0 0.00
8 Safari/537.36 (Goava Sales Intelligence AB) 55 4.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
9 Safari/604.1 51 3.71 683,695 1.29 1 1.01
10 Gigabot 39 2.84 3,698,562 6.99 11 6.27