Statistics for, Week of 2019-9-30 to 2019-10-6


Top 10 of 59 Browsers (User Agents), Sorted by Access Count

Rank Product Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 Mozilla/5.0 437 25.35 23,259,911 36.92 18 11.90
2 ZoominfoBot 322 18.68 586,206 0.93 20 13.64
3 Safari/537.36 255 14.79 9,328,117 14.81 50 32.63
4 Safari/9537.53 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; 89 5.16 9,122,734 14.48 18 11.85
5 MSIE 6.0 69 4.00 299,529 0.48 0 0.00
6 Safari/604.1 60 3.48 437,956 0.70 3 2.57
7 Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; 55 3.19 69,165 0.11 2 1.91
8 bingbot/2.0 41 2.38 62,803 0.10 2 1.91
9 MJ12bot/v1.4.8 40 2.32 69,341 0.11 6 4.54
10 Safari/602.1 34 1.97 761,956 1.21 6 4.47